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How long can you keep cremated ashes? - Trupoint Memorials Community

How long can you keep cremated ashes?

Asked 2 years ago

Hi, I found my brother's dog's ashes stashed in his childhood cupboard, and it's been a good number of years now. Is it possible that the ashes may have gone bad?

Jan Alexander

Wednesday, March 09, 2022

Ashes have no expiry date. Ashes can be kept in your home forever so there is no rush to move or transfer them. Ashes are neither ash nor completely organic material. Ashes do not biodegrade naturally over time but if you were to scatter them they would eventually mix with the soil, water and air.

Jared Middleton

Monday, May 23, 2022

Many people wonder, "Is it bad to keep ashes at home?" The general answer is no, but it is also dependent on your beliefs and personal preference. Ashes do not expire or go bad. You can keep ashes indefinitely, provided they are in a sealed and secure vessel.

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