Trupoint Memorials
Is it illegal for my family to mix my ashes with my partner in an extra-large urn? - Trupoint Memorials Community

Is it illegal for my family to mix my ashes with my partner in an extra-large urn?

Asked a year ago

My wife and I have been discussing cremation when we pass. Our families both want to be buried together when we die. I've looked into metal urns, but I'm not sure what size would be best for us if one of us died before the other. Will it be illegal to commingle our ashes in a large urn?

Nicole Day

Nicole Day

Monday, December 05, 2022

No it is not illegal. Couples wishing to commingle their ashes will opt for a companion urn as they are designed to hold the cremains of more than one person. Companion urns are a perfect choice for two people who wish to remain together after death.

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